Termite Exterminator – Termite Inspections & Removal
Termite Exterminator
If you discover a termite infestation in your home, regular consumer pesticide products aren’t going to do to get rid of them. It’s true that some chemicals that kill cockroaches and fleas can also kill termites. But to totally eradicate them, it takes the use of special equipment, tools, and training. Treating termites is the job of a professional termite exterminator.
Bait traps involve the use of wood or cardboard soaked in pesticides. When termites come into contact with or feed on them, some die while others carry a portion of the poisoned wood back into their nests to feed the rest of the colony. They end up poisoning themselves and dying. Repellents discourage entry of termites and protect your home from repeat termite infestation, including colonization.
Termiticides are used to kill termites. To treat a termite infestations, exterminators pump large volumes of termiticides into the termites’ nests. Termiticides can also be applied around your home and at every termite entry point. This prevents termites from entering your home and causes those already inside to dehydrate and die.
Warning Signs of Termite Infestation
Most people don’t notice termites have infested their homes until structures have already been damaged. It is usually costly to repair. Homeowners should take preventive measures that help them find out quickly if termites have entered their homes. This protects them from losses in the future. Some warning signs of termite infestation include:
Presence of Termite Shelter Tubes on Walls – Termites make and use these tubes to protect them from danger while enabling them to store food. The tubes are made out of clay soil, and worker termites use them for food transportation. Termite droppings are also a sign of termite infestation—they look like sawdust.
Presence of cracks in wood can be a sign of termite infestation in your home. By the time most people notice cracks in wood around their homes, the wood is nearly destroyed because termites have eaten it from inside. Tap the wood or use a sharp object to puncture through it to check for hollow wood around your house.
Termite Inspection & Removal
Termite inspection involves professionals using visible observation to find out if your home has been infested with termites. The termite inspector looks at the whole interior of your house, including the basement—where termites like to hide—as well as the outside. With findings in hand, a report is drafted.
Thorough inspection can take 30 to 40 minutes on average. However, this depends on the size of your home as well as its condition. Pest control professionals termites removal Burleson give tips on preventive measures to avoid future termite infestation.
When you contact an exterminator, they first verify an infestation and locate the termite infestation. They use special tools and equipment such as heat sensors, sound sensors, infrared cameras, hammers, drills, and long probes to help look for the damage termites cause.
Although other types of insects such as carpenter bees and ants also damage wood, the main culprit in insect-related property damage is termites. Termite infestations often result from water damage.
Contact us for more information on termites removal Burleson TX services, including termite control, removal, and inspection.
Call the Burleson Pest Control Pros for termites removal Burleson TX services. We are the top exterminator in the Rockford IL.